Tuesday 14 January 2014

PHOTOS: HARDCORE STUDY: Want To Stay Up All night To Study For Your Next Exams? Don't try these Please

                                 More photos after the cut

Over the years students have devised so many ways to stay awake while studying at night especially when the exams are around the corner, i know of kolanuts, coffee, leaving your feet in ab basin of cold water and many more.
well students in china have come up with more daring , dangerous and even scary ways you won't believe.

The trend started when a student  from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University  posted photos of her "Clothes Hanger Hanging Hair" which inspired others to post their own photos while studying.
Hardcore Studying in China Looks Absolutely Frightening

Hardcore Studying in China Looks Absolutely Frightening

The idea is that if they fall asleep, it will cause their hair to get pulled or they have their heads held up.
Please don't try these methods in your home dorm or any where for that matter. Some of them look dangerous

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