Monday, 27 October 2014

Mother Wins Right To End Disabled Daughter's Life (PICTURED)

Charlotte Fitzmaurice with baby Nancy

A British mother, Charlotte Fitzmaurice, has won the right to end the  life of her 12 year old daughter, this is the first time a court will rule that a child, breathing on its own be allowed to die.

Nancy Fitzmaurice was born blind and suffering from hydrocphalus, meningitis and septicaemia, which left her unable to talk, walk, eat or drink.

Her quality of life was so poor she depended on round the clock hospital care and was fed, watered and medicated through a tube at London's Great Ormond Street Hospital.

But when a routine operation left her screaming in agony her devoted mother, Charlotte Fitzmaurice, who had given up work to look after her daughter, made the heartbreaking decision to end Nancy's life.

In a landmark case, Great Ormond Street fought on behalf of Charlotte, and dad David Wise, to give her the right to die.

Nancy Fitzmaurice at age 11
Credit: SWNS

In a statement given to a judge explaining why her daughter should no longer suffer Charlotte said her daughter longed for peace.

After reading the heartbreaking words Justice Eleanor King at the High Court of Justice granted the request and Nancy died in hospital.

The ruling sets a precedent as it is the first time a child breathing on their own, not on life support and not suffering from a terminal illness, has been allowed to die.

In her summing up the judge said Charlotte's love for her daughter is apparent and she had "great admiration" for her devotion to Nancy.

    "The last day was the hardest of my life. It was absolutely horrifying. I miss my beautiful girl every day and although I know it was the right thing to do, I will never forgive myself. It shouldn't have to be a mother's decision to end their child's life, doctors should be able to take that away from you."

– Charlotte Fitzmaurice

On the 21th of August Nancy died after doctors withdrew food and fluids


Must have been a very hard decision to make, after years of maybe hoping for a miracle to happen
Rest in peace little girl...You are in a better place now.

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