Saturday, 2 August 2014

Vet Struck Off For Having S3x With Horse And Dog.(PICTURED)


A vet who was filmed having sex with a horse and a dog has been banned from practising in the UK.

Oliver Fraser Lown of Kesgrave, Suffolk, was found guilty of five charges by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) disciplinary committee at a hearing at their London headquarters.
Videos were found in his possession showing him engaging in sexual activity with animals, as were 'extreme' pornographic images of animals and people, the RCVS heard.

Lown, believed to be in his 20s, had already been taken to court in 2012 after being found with 'extreme' pornography involving people and animals.
The RCVS heard that in addition to the porn offences, for which he was given a conditional discharge, he also engaged in sexual activity himself with a horse and a dog and then boasted about it online.

According to the findings, he pleaded guilty at Northallerton and Richmond Magistrates Court in North Yorkshire to seven criminal charges in 2011 relating to the possession of extreme images involving people and animals.

The RCVS committee heard the Crown Prosecution Service decided not to prosecute him in respect of a bestiality charge that it was considering, but the RCVS found the charge to be proven.

Lown had graduated from the Szent Istvan University in Budapest, Hungary and he had been registered with the RCVS in 2013, the committee heard. The RCVS said he never practised in Britain.
Lown did not attend the RCVS hearing in London, but he was represented by a solicitor.
Three of the charges related to the discovery of images or videos on a laptop and a mobile phone at his home near Ipswich.\

Another charge related to footage of him engaging in sexual activity with a horse and a dog, while a fifth charge related to him sending messages that referred to sexual activity with animals.
The video shows Lown 'engaging in sexual activity with a horse in a stable setting and a dog in a house setting', and he was partly identified by a distinctive green star tattoo on his leg.

Delivering the findings, Professor Noreen Burrows, Chair of the Disciplinary Committee, said: 'The committee has no doubt the conduct was of the utmost seriousness, the material found in his possession and his own conduct involved the abuse of animals and a total lack of respect for their welfare.'...

He might be officially dating them, he will marry them later

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