Friday, 8 August 2014

Rwanda President's Daughter Pose With The Obamas Causes A Buzz On Social Media (PHOTO)

Social media has been in a buzz of excitement thanks to the African leaders’ visit to the White House for the US Africa leader’s Summit in Washington DC.
Our distinguished president stepped out in confidence and poise for the photo session alongside the Obamas and this was swiftly followed by a series of conversation by social media users.

While some were proud of the president and supported his cause, others made interesting memes about it.
However it was Paul Kagame the Rwandese president’s daughter who left many in awe.
Her photo alongside her dad and the Obama’s left many discussing her height, beauty and curvaceous figure in excitement.

Social media got busy complementing and discussing her and word is that, she got 2,000 new followers on her twitter page as soon as the photo hit the net.
While most of the leaders brought their wives to the State house dinner, President Kagame brought his only
daughter Ange Kagame, and second born of his four children who looked stunning during the photo session.
Ange, whose height, complexion and figure could pass her for a super model loves sports and charity work which she actively takes part in alongside her mother Jeannette Kagame.
In her childhood years she was flown to study abroad and her friends describe her as bright and great with academics.
Well, here are some of the views expressed by her “new social media fans”:

@CharlotteBwana: There is Tall then there is the Tower of beauty that is #Rwanda's first daughter Ange Kagame
@Pol_Sec_Analyst: I am known for having a penchant for fashion & will state Ange Kagame best-dressed at #USAfricaSummit! Any takers?

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