Friday, 1 August 2014

Bishop Chris Of "Daily Manna" Sets Lagos Ablaze With Miracles

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Penultimate Saturday morning, I tore my way through the unprecedented huge crowd that had milled round the OUR DAILY MANNA PRAYER MOUNTAIN Ogudu Orioke, Lagos.

While a significant proportion of the crowd created an emergency market to sell their wares, which were mostly Christian materials, thousands of others trooped to the main arena where Bishop (Dr). Chris Kwakpovwe's voice was reverberating through the microphone as he reeled out prophetic declarations to signal the miracles that awaited participants WORLDWIDE (EVENT WAS BROADCAST LIVE TO 195 COUNTRIES).

The event was the mid-year interdenominational World Anointing Service, organised by the DAILY MANNA Prayer Mountain (INTERDENOMINATIONAL) where he holds sway as the General Overseer.

Bishops, pastors and Christian leaders from various denominations were in attendance.
Dr Chris as he is popularly called, matched the utterances with prayers, intermittent preaching and worship songs to set the tone for the full blast ministrations ahead. As he continued with the exercise, participants were still streaming into the 6-phased arena as not everybody could have sitting spaces in the main arena. But wherever you were, you could hear the voice of all the ministers as all the proceedings were being beamed live on the satellite televisions stationed at strategic locations at the square.

Soul-thrilling praise and worship songs were orchestrated by the very wonderful choirs, who dictated the tunes with various instruments for the revival that left participants dancing and rejoicing profusely.

Shortly before he mounted the rostrum to minister...
The publisher of the popular devotional booklet, Our Daily Manna (ODM), had urged participants to tune their minds absolutely to heaven, focus on the Lord Jesus and expect unprecedented miracles. He assured that those that came with expectations to receive their blessings would have them according to their faith and would go back home transformed.

As soon as the prayer session climaxed with Dr. Chris as the anchor minister, shouts of 'praise the Lord' and echoes of hallelujah rent the air, following pockets of INSTANT HEALINGS at different corners of the whole of Ogudu environ. Those who could not control their joy scrambled through the crowd to the pulpit to announce their miracles.

Spectacular among the numerous live miracles was a woman who had a paralyzed hand and couldn't use it. She, too, could move the led swiftly. She threw away the supporting crutch to the exctasy of the wild crowd. Another one was healed of her hand which was withered for many years. She even used it to clap and drew thunderous ovations from the congregation.

The revival was also attended by participants from United States of America, France, Mali, South Africa, Zambia and Ghana, among others. Other guest ministers at the event included his wife, the Assistant General Overseer of the DAILY MANNA Prayer Mountain and the MD of OUR DAILY MANNA, Dr. Mrs. Flora Ejiro Kwakpovwe, who took the congregation through
firebrand prayer points.

Our Daily Manna, the booklet, which had been the hallmark of Dr.Chris' ministry, is always packaged with inspirational DAILY PROPHETIC WRITE-UPS according to people's needs and situations and it is strictly INTERDENOMINATIONAL, used across Christendom and even Muslims plus free thinkers worldwide.

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