Sunday, 6 July 2014

Celebrities With Fake Body Parts (PHOTOS)

Scarlett Johansson Nose Before And After

Even though Photoshop can fix any imperfection in magazines, celebrities still want to improve their own bodies and sometimes end up looking completely fake in the process.

While some celebrities, like Tyra Banks and Coco are willing to undergo a sonogram to prove they’re all natural, other Hollywood stars carefully avoid any questions about their body alterations. See a few celebrities with fake body parts who aren’t always so open about their use of plastic surgery.

1.   Lil’ Kim’s Face

Lil Kim Face Before And After

The 39-year old rapper looks nothing like her young self anymore. Lil’ Kim’s alterations to her face include at least one nose job, along with cheek implants and lip injections according to plastic surgery experts. Even if you didn’t know what was behind the change, the rapper certainly looks like she got herself a fake face.

2.   Nicki Minaj’s Butt   

Nicki Minaj Butt Before And After

Nicki Minaj has been the target of a lot of speculation concerning plastic surgery, from her face to her booty. The singer only ever denied facial procedures, so the butt implants could possibly be real. The fake that her behind looks very fake doesn’t help either. Considering the image that made her famous, Minaj doesn’t seem to have a problem with extreme plastic surgery.

3.      Lisa Rinna’s Lips

Lisa Rinna Lips Before And After

After having her lips injected with silicone at the age of 24, actress Lisa Rinna became famous for her artificial pout. Eventually, she had the silicone removed, but her lips still look incredibly fake. Instead of dealing with regrets, she credits her lips for her success. “I never had a career before I had the lips. So my lips have had their own career,” she admitted on Today.

4.   Wendy Williams’ Breasts

Wendy Williams Breast Implants Before And After

Talk show host Wendy Williams stands out from most celebrities with fake body parts through her honesty about it. When she celebrated the 20th anniversary of her first breast augmentation, Wendy Williams admitted to her audience that she probably went for a size that’s a bit too big. In the end she decided to keep them at the same size, even though she’s had them replaced over the years to minimize any risks.

5.   Jenny McCarthy’s Breasts

Jenny Mccarthy Breasts Before And After

Most celebrities with fake body parts have altered their bust, and Jenny McCarthy has admitted to going under the knife twice for her breasts. The first time was an augmentation, the second was simply changing the old implants for new ones. The reason she decided to go through plastic surgery was the different shape of her breasts after childbirth.

6.   Scarlett Johansson’s Nose

Scarlett Johansson Nose Before And After

The size reduction and reshaping of Scarlett Johansson’s nose was definitely well done, but the actress still went through plastic surgery for her current look.
Johansson’s nose was certainly transformed over the years and even if it’s a fake, it’s a great one, since the actress doesn’t look radically different, just better.

7.   Tori Spelling’s Breasts And Nose

Tori Spelling Before And After

Unhappy with her natural look, Tori Spelling was in a rush to get rhinoplasty and breast augmentation in her early 20s. The end result was an unlucky procedure that left her unable to deny being among the celebrities with fake body parts. Her breast augmentation surgery ended up causing a visible depression in her chest.

8.   LaToya Jackson’s Nose

La Toya Jackson Nose Before And After

Following in the footsteps of her brother Michael, LaToya Jackson has gone under the knife multiple times for her nose in a very obvious and even scary way.

9.   Joan River’s Face

Joan Rivers Face Before And After

The comedienne has joked about having over 700 procedures done, but even with a much smaller number of real ones, she’s still one of the most jarring celebrities with fake body parts. The “Fashion Police” host has a face that barely resembles her old features, but she has a sense of humor about her fake look.


So what do you think guys? Was it worth the trouble they went through? Did it make them look better or worse?

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