Wednesday, 18 June 2014


The Mardudjara: Intimate cutting rituals to achieve manhood - Australia

This one must go on record as one of the most senseless traditions of all times. The first portion of this Mardudjara Aboriginal rite involves a barbaric circumcision followed by the circumcised male ingesting his own foreskin....yuck!  After he heals up, the penis is then cut lengthwise on the underside, sometimes all the way to the scrotum.

Blood is then dripped over a fire in order to purify it. From then on, the male will urinate from the underside of his penis instead of the urethra. The real question, however, is how does destroying a boy's 'manhood' bring him into manhood?

The Sambians: The semen-drinking tribe - Papua, New Guinea

This is disgusting, ingesting semen, so how is the semen collected? This tradition must have been introduced by a sexual pervert, a pedophile.
To become a man in this primitive tribe, boys are removed from the presence of all females at the age of seven, living with other males for ten years. During the ten years, the skin is pierced to remove any contamination brought upon by women. For the same reason, they also regularly incur nose-bleeding and vomiting caused by consuming large amounts of sugarcane.

To top it off, they are required to ingest the semen of their elders, which is thought to sustain growth and strength. When they are finally introduced back into the tribe, they continue to engage in nose-bleeding at the same time as their wives' menstrual cycles.

The Nepalese: A community where brothers share a wife - The Himalayas

Here we are crying that there are less men than women and they are sharing their women. Or is it a case of sharing is caring? I wonder! And it is an economic strategy, "keeping the land in the family".
According to an article in Psychology Today, “Almost all of the few polyandrous societies practice what anthropologists call fraternal polyandry, where a group of brothers share a wife." This is the case in the Himalayas, where there is little land available for farming and agriculture, and families with more than one son would be faced with dividing up their land were each son to start his own family.

The solution? Find one wife for all of their sons so that they can live together as one family and keep their family plot intact. Also, as told in the National Geographic documentary Multiple Husbands, this arrangement works best when the wife is adept at "scheduling" time with each brother. 

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