Friday, 10 January 2014

A Cockroach In My Ear!!

Hendrick Helmer in Australia endured a painful hospital visit after a large cockroach burrowed into his ear and all efortfs by him to suck it out with a vacuum cleaner failed.
Darwin based Helmer's ordeal began on Wednesday, when in the early hours of the morning he was woken up by a sharp pain in his right ear, the Australian Broadcasting corporation said.
"I was hoping it was not a poisonous spider... I was hoping it didn't bite me," he said adding that as the pain got worse he tried to suck out the insect with a vacuum cleaner before squirting water in his ear.

"whatever was in my ear didn't like it at all", he told the broadcaster on Friday.
When the pain became excruciating, his flatmate rushed him to the hospital where a doctor put oil down the ear canal.
This only made the 2centimeter (0. 8inch) cock crawl in deeper, before it began to  die.
"near 10munites mark... Somewhere about there, he started to stop burrowing but he was still in the throes of twitching death, said Helmer.

At that point the doctor put forceps into the ear and pulled out the cockroach
the doctor said her saying a little cockroach was an understatement, never having pulled out an insect that large from an ear.

Asked what precautions he intended to take to prevent a future occurrence, he said none.Although friends of his said they were so perturbed by his experience, that they have started sleeping with headphones on.


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